Have you ever noticed that we live and work faster every year? The ’70s brought the third industrial revolution. British and American research shows that people who lived in the cradles of that revolution were and are more prone to negative emotions. Anxiety, stress, depression, a lack of motivation, and concentration are a big part of the psychological heritage of those times.
Currently, we are living in the fourth industrial revolution. Multi-thread work has become the new normal. All those meetings, e-mails, tasks, applications’ notifications cause a lot of concentration issues. In the ’80s, Francesco Cirillo presented the Pomodoro Technique that was supposed to help focus on one task at a time and be more effective at work. For some people, it could be a perfect solution. Unfortunately, this method is not for everyone.
Pomodoro has raised interest because of its simplicity. The steps are elementary. Create a tasks list, turn off everything that might cause a distraction, set a timer for 25 minutes, and take a break exactly after that time. Easy, right? Why then not everyone uses it? Because it is not always appliable for every type of job.
Constant calls, questions, multiple numbers of the projects make people work in short breaks between meetings. A setlist of tasks can be obsolete after one conversation. Priorities change constantly. Even if the list of tasks is set there are others obstacles. Read-Bivens said: “The first problem with the Pomodoro Technique is that the timer is a tyrant. The indivisibility of a Pomodoro is supposed to prevent interruptions. Instead, it often forces an exhausted me to work longer than I'm comfortable with, or it interrupts me when I'm engaged and working well.”
Concentration issues are more and more common. Lack of physical activity, no time to relax or sleep and constant thinking about the issues and how to resolve them or even an unfavorable work environment – all of those factors can cause physical and psychical damage. There is plenty of methods that people can use to improve the quality of work and life. Using them makes life and work easier and less stressful. Especially that these days the work-life balance is often impaired.
Author: Magda Glińska
https://kopalniawiedzy.pl/rewolucja-przemyslowa-psychika-Anglia-Walia-wplyw,27444 https://zapier.com/blog/flowtime-technique/